The application contains an up-to-date database of 2021 car codes for regions of the Russian Federation. In it, you will not only find out in one click whose region is written on any car number from Russia, but you can also, in a playful way, quickly and easily, learn the codes of cities and regions.
✔ Complete database of car codes, up-to-date for 2021.
✔ Fast region search by digital code. Just enter 2 or 3 digits and find out which region the entered code belongs to.
✔ Want to see where the city or region you are looking for is? Click on the button "On the map".
✔ For an in-depth study of the region, the application has a built-in Wikipedia, which allows you to learn more about all the subjects of the Russian Federation.
✔ A handy reference where you can also find out which region the code you are looking for belongs to. The information is displayed in the form of a list with the ability to search both by the digital code and by the name of the region. In addition, it is possible to view the codes by districts of the Russian Federation.
✔ Click on any item in the directory, and a window will open with information about the selected region: all codes assigned to this region, the district in which it is located, as well as its map and a link to Wikipedia.
✔ The app has two game modes.
⍟ "Guess the region by code" mode. In it, you need to choose from several answer options to which city or region the shown number belongs.
⍟ "True / False" mode. Here you need to answer whether the shown code corresponds to the written region.
✔ Flexible settings in which you can choose the number of answer options (change the difficulty of the game) and the federal districts whose codes you want to learn.
✔ Statistics after each game.
✔ Convenient and intuitive interface.
✔ The program does not require any permissions on your phone.
✔ Internet access is only required to view the map and Wikipedia. You don't need it to search for codes - use the app anywhere, anytime.
✔ The application is optimized for all modern phones and tablets.
✔ Small size of the application - only 3 MB. Weighs like a couple of photos.